Thursday 14 March 2013

Causes and Homemade treatment for Hair Loss

Everyone must have faced the problem of hair loss once in their lifetime. Everyone wants thick, long and luscious hairs. On average, there are 100,000 on a person’s scalp; whereas loss of 100 hairs daily is normal. The average growth rate of a hair is a centimeter a month. This makes the 100 lost hair unacceptable. Also, sometimes the rate, at which hair is lost, is abnormal.
There are many remedies for hair loss in the market. Most of them are not what they claim to be i.e. a wonder solution for hair-fall. Also, most of them contain many contents which are harmful for the hair, as well as body. So, it is better to use homemade treatment for hair loss.

Causes of Hair loss:

Before finding a solution, one needs to know and understand the problem. Similarly, there are many different causes of hair loss. In order to overcome hair loss, one must understand the cause. The primary action should be to eliminate that root cause. Listed below are few causes of hair loss:
  • Diet – this is the era of fast foods and quick diets. Balanced diet is rarely common. The oil and fats in foods increase the sebum production in our body, which may result in hair loss. Similarly, deficiency of many nutrients such as iron, zinc and calcium, in the diet may cause hair loss. Rapid weight loss can also be a cause.
  • Age- it is a very common cause of hair loss. Due to different changes in a person’s system may lead to this.
  • Hereditary- some people contain hair loss gene in their genetic make-up. Avoiding it not possible.
  • Hormones- Hormonal level of a person’s, especially women, affects hair greatly. Any abnormal changes can trigger hair fall.
  • Medication- some medications have composition which affects many body functions like hair fall.
  • Fungus- for example dandruff is a common cause of hair loss. If one has dandruff problems, one needs to overcome this first. Once it is solved, hair will not fall.
Homemade treatment for hair loss:

There are many homemade remedies for hair loss. Many are quite effective in minimizing the problem. But, first of all, a person should change their diet and drink lots of water. These two things have proven to have great impact on overcoming hair fall. Some other remedies are also listed below:
  • Henna leaves with mustard oil: Boil a handful of henna leaves in mustard oil, at low temperature. Strain it, after its done boiling and massage in the hair regularly.
  • Aloe Vera and coconut oil: Take half cup of Aloe Vera gel and cook it at medium flame in coconut oil, until a uniform mixture is formed. Apply this in your hair for 20 minutes. It is better to do this before taking a shower.
  • Onion juice: It is rich in sulphur which helps overcome fungus problems. It is quite strong, so dilute it with water or milk. Apply it for 5 minutes, then rinse it off.
  • Essential oils: Oils like rosemary, grape seed, lavender and thyme also are quite effective. But, dilute them with carrier oil first.
  • Egg yolk: Apply egg yolk in the hair for 20 minutes; then, rinse it off.
In order to make these more beneficial, take a hot towel and wrap it around your hair for the time.
For fast and good solution about this problem you can also check our page

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