Wednesday 13 March 2013

Seven super fast weight loss tips

This is the festive season and it is time when all those with slim figures will want to show off all their curves as they bounce about in their sexy party outfits. For others, it may be that time when they have to rummage through all the known dieting information trying to get information on how to lose weight fast. If you are one of those, read on for some super fast weight loss tips for everyone this Christmas.
A word of caution
Before you decide to lose hundreds of pounds in a week, be aware that there may be health implications to trying to lose weight too fast. It is generally advisable to seek doctor’s advice before commencing any weight loss program.  That said, it is still possible to lose weight fast in a healthy way
Tip One: Set reasonable goals
The quest to lose weight should not lead to health issues down the road. From the onset, it is important to set realistic goals that you’ll be able to meet. Many people fail in their weight loss fight simply because they set very difficult objectives for themselves. Most importantly, it is better to set simple goals that can be achieved easily and act as boosters for more difficult ones.
Tip Two: Going on a fast
Fasting is noted as one of the fastest ways of losing weight. Note however that this does not entail starving for days only in the hope of losing some pounds. Although fasting is very common in religious circles for spiritual reasons, it can be used as a weight loss remedy.  Most people will take some form of liquid while fasting. Although it may be a difficult path to trod, there results are often noticeable.
Tip Three: Try exercising
If you are trying to lose weight for that special occasion, it may be advisable to try getting into exercises that will help tone the body. Increase the amount of period you spend exercising. Generally, the more exercise you get involved in, the more calories you are sure to lose. Get involve in exercises that you find interesting. Swimming is actually a good way to tone the entire body. Zumba is a fun way to lose some calories. It is possible that exercising for long periods may not be for you but you could try breaking up periods for exercise into smaller periods that you can easily manage.
Tip Four: Eat less calories
No matter what they say, there is a direct relationship between your caloric intake and the rate at which you put on weight or lose it. If you are hell bent on losing some pounds before that special event, taking in less calories than your body requires could do the trick. Note however that this does not mean eating unhealthy food. You could still eat healthy while taking in fewer calories. In all, always endeavour to have a balanced diet. Food that is high in water content like fruits can be very useful.
Tip Five: Avoid stress
Stress will not only spoil your weight loss plan it will make you look cranky at the end. It is been said that stress stimulates the body to store fat. It is also a known fact that people who are stressed tend to eat more through binge eating and drinking.
Tip Six: Drink enough water
You have probably heard this a thousand times but it’s worth repeating here. To ensure that the body works properly while relieving you of some fat, it is necessary to have it well hydrated. To be able to lose fat as quickly as possible, your metabolism will have to increase and well hydrated body can assure this.
Tip Seven: Make use of diet pills
Depending on how badly and how fast you want to get rid of excess weight, you could make use of diet pills that are available in the market. Many of this may work to suppress appetite hence help in reducing the amount of food intake. Some will work to increase your metabolism. Although these pills have been known to work, they can lead to increase weight if you stop using them. As such, they should be used as a short term remedy where necessary.
If you have the right frame mind and set realistic goals, you will make the most of these super fast weight loss tips.

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