Tuesday 12 March 2013


Diarrhoea can be a very disturbing disorder especially for very busy people who have a business to run. However with Imodium products, there is now a faster way to feel relieved from diarrhoea symptoms. These products respect high quality standards and come highly recommended by doctors and pharmacists. What follows is a quick review of the drug to help diarrhoea sufferers make an informed decision.

What is Imodium?
Imodium is a drug for treating diarrhoea. Its active ingredient loperamide hydrochloride helps in the treatment of diarrhoea that is not caused by bacteria infection and also acute or chronic diarrhoea caused by bowel disease. It can be used by adults as well as children over eight years of age. Although it is an effective drug for loose stool, it may take up to forty eight hours for any relieve to be felt. This drug comes in the form of caplets, quick dissolve tablets and solution.
How it works
As an antidiarrheal, loperamide works by reducing muscular contractions in the intestine. This action reduces the rate at which contents in the gut are released to the intestine. The result is the absorption of fluids back into the body resulting in firmer stools.
Method of use
Take the drug as outlined in the prescription label or as directed by your doctor. The caplets should be taken at the onset of diarrhoea with a lot of water. The recommended dose should be taken not more than three times daily.
When taking chewable tablets, chew them correctly before swallowing. The oral solution should be well shaken and served in a special dose spoon.
It is not clear if Imodium presents any risk to unborn children. Pregnant women should consult with their doctors before starting the use of the drug. As in all use of medication, seek the advice of your physician.
Side effects
The following side effects may be experienced after taking the drug. Different people have different resistances and will react differently. As such patients should not expect to notice all or any of the stated side effects.
·         Nausea
·         Skin rash
·         Constipation
·         Dizziness
·         Abdominal cramps and swellings
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